Ocean Jasper Veins

Ocean Jasper Veins

Ocean Jasper is a rare silicon dioxide from only in 1 location, Northwestern Madagascar which was originally found in 1922. However, it was lost until 1996  when a low tide made it visible on the shoreline outside the village of Marovato.

Here is a quick summary of the Ocean Jasper Veins:

1st Vein - 
- Mined from 1999-2006
- Pink, green and white colours 
- Less defined orbs

2nd Vein - 
- Mined from 2005-2006
- Has a wide range of colours compared to the other veins
- More reds and yellow
- Includes some very defined bulls-eye orbs

3rd Vein - 
Found in 2013, lasted only 6 months
- A mixture of some clearly defined orbs and more muted orbs
- Pink, green, white and sometimes yellow colours

4th Vein - 
- Found in 2014 and only lasted 3 months until it was completely mined out
- Small, defined orbs similar to the 2nd vein
- Pink, green, white with yellow colours

6th Vein - 
- White, cream, light green or light orange orbs
- Bullseye patterning against a green or orange-green background
- Jelly-like translucency

7th Vein Ocean Jasper -
- Characterised by floral-like plumes against a forest-green background
- Lower grade pieces will have yellow colours and a lighter green background

8th Vein -
- Found 2021 and completely mined out within 6 months
- Peach, orange, blue and white orbs against a green or red background
- Well defined orbs with bulls-eye veining 
- Dendrites can also be found on more translucent variations

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